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A WORLD WITHOUT FEAR - BALTASAR GARZÓN C-177 (BOOK, hard cover, good second hand)

A WORLD WITHOUT FEAR - BALTASAR GARZÓN C-177 (BOOK, hard cover, good second hand)

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€4,00 EUR
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€4,00 EUR
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Judge Baltasar Garzón breaks his silence and, in the form of reflection or dialogue with his children, tells us what his seventeen years of fighting against terrorism, organized crime and impunity have been like. This book, full of experiences, with unpublished information, exudes the emotion of a man who has sacrificed his family and social life, who has suffered harassment and slander, and has lived closely the pain of the victims, for the fulfillment of a sacred duty: that justice be done.
It is also the ideology of a man who fights for a better world, with fewer social inequalities, in which impunity for crimes is banished, in which neither the powerful nor the State can hijack the law for their own purposes. And also a call to the indifferent, whom he invites to take action and maintain a critical spirit regarding politics and the media. It is, therefore, the work of a practical man who shows, from his vision as a judge and as a citizen, some ways to move from fear to hope and manage to shape a world without fear.