Saints row 2 (ps3) PLATINUM (second hand good)
After Julius betrayed us, he tried to kill us with a bomb, considering us a threat (due to the events that occurred in the first Saints Row), this new story begins with a couple of police officers talking about a dangerous guy who is in a coma living off of taxes. decent citizens. The subject in question is the player, who was put in jail accused of having committed 300 murders. After giving our character a new appearance we will meet a new colleague named Carlos. This is how this new story begins.
The first mission is to escape from that prison together with Carlos. When you finally arrive in town you realize that your gang was completely disbanded (The 3rd Street Saints) and you dedicate yourself to reorganizing the gang, dominating Stillwater again and getting revenge for what happened to Julius. We will help Johnny Gat escape from death row. (our character's best friend) After a short time, you meet with Gat at Aisha's house (he faked his death in Saints Row 1) and they start thinking about a place where to reorganize the band, then they go to the abandoned mansion, stronghold of the Sons Of Samedi. After taking out the Sons of Samedi and some vagabonds, they start recruiting people and you get 3 new lieutenants: Carlos, Shaundi and Pierce. Carlos will take care of the Brotherhood, and Shaundi will take care of the Sons of Samedi and Pierce will take care of the Ronin. and thus returned to the path and with a new band. The reconquest of the city begins.
Saints Row 2 is a third-person action video game released on October 14, 2008 for Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows in the United States , and for the rest of the world since October 17 of the same year. A version for Linux / SteamOS would arrive on April 14, 2016. The game was developed by Saints Row developer Volition and distributed by THQ .
Source Wikipedia