A series of events, apparently everyday, involve a group of young university students in a plot of suspense; Susana (Laura Manzanedo) has broken up with Toni (Antonio Hortelano), her boyfriend for a long time, but far from accepting it, Toni is willing to do anything to get his girl back, especially since he found out that her new boyfriend is Álex. (Fernando Andina), a rather pushy boy who collects sports cars. Toni and Susana have a group of friends: Roberto (Lorenzo Armenteros), Toni's unconditional friend; Patricia (Eva Marciel), a medical student; Andrea (Mónica Estarreado), an easy-going messenger; and Lorena (Aurora Carbonell), Susana's sexy college classmate. Together they will be involved in a mysterious plot from which they have a very difficult exit. (FILMAFFINITY)