Nintendo NES Original Controller (NES) (very good second-hand)
-for original NES
The controls for the NES and Famicom had an oblong brick -like design with a simple four-button layout: two round buttons with the letters "A" and "B" on their surface, a "START" button, and a "START" button. SELECT”. These used the cross-shaped directional pad designed by Gunpei Yokoi , a Nintendo employee, for the company's Game & Watch systems, with the purpose of replacing the bulky control levers ( joysticks ) of the controls, which had been used in a traditional way in previous consoles.
The original model of the Famicom had two game controllers attached to the back. The second controller lacked the START and SELECT buttons, although it did have a small microphone. However, it is known for certain that few games made use of such functionality. Similarly, the A and B buttons on early Famicom units were square in shape. They would later take on a circular shape after it became apparent that the square buttons got caught in the controller casing when pressed, aspect that caused hardware failures and, ultimately, the system freezing while it was in the middle of running a game.
-Wikipedia source