In the latest adventure from Marvel's Spider-Man universe, teenager Miles Morales adjusts to his new neighborhood while following in the footsteps of Peter Parker , his mentor, and becoming a new Spider-Man.
But when As a fierce power struggle threatens to destroy his new home , the aspiring hero realizes that with great power must come great responsibility. In order to save Marvel's New York, Miles must take over from Spider-Man and live up to it.
The rise of Miles Morales
Miles Morales discovers sensational powers that set him apart from Peter Parker , his mentor. Master his unusual bio-electric poison blast attacks and cloaking power, along with spectacular web-slinging stunts, gadgets and other abilities.
A war for power
A war for control of Marvel's New York has broken out between a shady energy corporation and a paramilitary group stocking up on high-tech weapons. With his new home in the middle of the battlefield, Miles must learn the cost of becoming a hero and decide what to sacrifice for the common good.
A new home full of life
Discover the snowy streets of the new neighborhood of Miles, full of bustle and animation , in its search for roots. As the lines between his personal life and his fight against crime begin to blur, he discovers who he can trust and what a true home means.
ultimate edition
Discover the full spidery story with Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition.
This must-have pack includes Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered , the award-winning full game, remastered and enhanced for PS5 , with all three chapters of downloadable content from Marvel's Spider-Man adventure: The City That Never Sleeps.